The fundamental pedagogical problem is that the curves depicted in the graphs need to be moved as the story is told. The clearest understanding would be achieved by a dynamic (animated) graph, but we make do with sequences of static graphs, or with a single graph cluttered with numerous different representative positions of the necessary curves and lines. Java affords an opportunity to produce such dynamic graphs, and allows the user (with no more skills than those necessary to access a web browser) to manipulate them repeatedly. Unlike the human teaching staff, Java teaching aids are tireless and can be accessed at all hours of the day and night.
In order to achieve substantial pedagogical value-added, we believe that Web-based materials need to contain truly interactive modules. Using Java applets, or something similar, these materials should incorporate at least simple display interactivity, whereby students may vary parameters and observe the response. In addition, the interactive materials should be supplemented with testing on concepts to challenge the student. Interactive quizzes can lead the student through the use of a pedagogical applet, asking questions that require manipulation of the economic model being explored, and that ultimately promote conceptual understanding.
Most UCLA faculty who are currently using the World-Wide Web for their undergraduate courses use the web pages provided for by the IEI as a sophisticated substitute for the Reserve Desk at College Library. Materials that used to be duplicated and walked over to the library are now simply scanned (or Saved As .pdf ) and posted to the WWW instead. The typical menu includes the obligatory course outline, homework sets and solutions, old exams and answer keys, maybe even some detailed .pdf versions of lecture notes, and possibly some promotional materials concerning the professor's research program. There are also links to relevant external sites. However, so far, there are relatively few instances of faculty who have sought out, or created, fundamentally new pedagogical materials that take advantage of the unique capabilities of Web technologies.
To be sure, some faculty have made extensive use of computer technology, albeit not web-based, in their classes for some time. For example, Professor Bryan Ellickson has been doing OLG models with MathCAD software in his Mathematical Economics courses. This, however, requires that students learn MathCAD and that they have a copy of this software program available to them. The beauty of Java is that it is platform-independent and can be run over the Web by anybody who has a Java-enabled browser. Such capability is offered by Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Furthermore, no special programming skills are required of users in order to run the models. In many cases, applets can be viewed as introductory tools that can lure students into more advanced classes that include more hands-on use of specialized software.
Economists immediately recognize the problem of public goods.
For many public goods, the social benefits from their provision vastly
outweigh the private benefits to potential providers, so these goods are
not created unless their provision is sponsored by governments.
There is great potential for developing Web-based teaching tools that will
benefit UCLA students in many different classes at all levels of the Economics
curriculum, but they will not be created if the university relies upon
the private incentives of individual faculty. Using IEI funds to
sponsor creation of these public goods would help to overcome the lack
of private incentives for their creation.
A few exceptions are (for statistics/regression classes):
However, the subject matter in these applets is not very advanced, being suited to introductory classes in statistics or for review in subsequent classes. This is probably because the costs of development are substantial and a large audience is necessary to warrant incurring them. A key consideration in the applets to be designed for the proposed project is the ability of the user to select whether they want to interact with the program at the beginner, intermediate, or advanced level.
An early provider of economics-based Java applets is Joseph Daniel. In a web site called oo...Micro Models! ( he supplies a large number of Java applets designed to illustrate a wide variety of economic concepts in intermediate economics, utilizing the animation capabilities of Java, and embedded spreadsheets. While Daniel states in the introduction that "object-oriented programming techniques enable [the user] to directly manipulate parameters of the economic models and immediately observe the results," we were unable to find an example on the site where this stated capability is realized.
Cameron's extensive classroom experience with the upper division regression course (Economics 143) and with many huge sections of Economics 1 (Principles of Microeconomics) means she is familiar with many instances where a static blackboard representation of some key three-dimensional relationship is far less than adequate. In the Fall Quarter of 1997, Cameron and Gerdes applied for, and were awarded, one quarter of Research Assistant funding for Gerdes by SIANME (Scholarship in a New Media Environment) to support additional development of Web-based resources. It was apparent by this time that Java Applets would be the way to go for a large number of projects. Gerdes set about learning Java. During his tenure with this support, the team identified (and Gerdes implemented) several different Java Applets for Economics 1 and Economics 143, each with increasing sophistication as Gerdes' familiarity with Java technology grew. Unfortunately, with no release time, and the considerable number of other responsibilities borne by Cameron, she has not had the opportunity to invest in learning Java, although she is keenly interested in learning the technology.
Gerdes has also begun to teach Introductory Economics, through UCLA Extension. This pedagogical experience, combined with his service as a TA over the last few years in theDepartment of Economics, means that he, too, is developing a good sense of the limitations of blackboard exposition of many economic concepts. While it is true that not every student will learn these ideas more efficiently with Web-based supplementary material, we are convinced that many will. Furthermore, the opportunity for repetition and exploration of concepts, unrestricted by the limits of office hours, will help large numbers of students. Giving students more choices among an array of alternative pathways for digesting material can only be an improvement.
Over the next ten years, with the expected increase in college admissions,
it is also clear that instructional media will have to expand into the
electronic domain. Distributed learning opportunities in the
form of Java applets (or something similar) will have to be exploited to
convey some of the dynamic expositions that currently can be conveyed only
with an instructor drawing sequences of diagrams at a chalkboard.