Winter Bruin Program

Economics 1

Principles of Microeconomics


Quarter: Fall 1998
Time: Monday, Wednesday 2-3:50 pm
Location: 307 Covell Commons (South Bay Room)
Office Hour: Monday, Wednesday, 4-4:30 (214 Covel Commons)
Instructor: Geoffrey R. Gerdes
Web Site:

ASSIGNMENT 1: Due Monday, October 19


Answer the following Problems and Discussion Questions from Chapters 1-5:

Chapter 1: questions 4,5 (page 14) and appendix: 3 (page 21)
Chapter 2: questions 6,9,12 (page 35)
Chapter 3: question 1 (page 56)
Chapter 4: questions 1,2,3,6 (page 78)
Chapter 5: questions 1,3,7,9 (page 96-97)

On the web:

Please make sure you are using a recent version of a web browser that supports forms and java applets. The java applet support is not necessary for this homework, but will be for the next.

The following tasks involve links which can be found at this URL:

a) Complete the Multiple Choice Quiz for Chapters 1 and 2. (Note: In Quiz 2, the Total Benefit of the 3rd slice of pizza is$9.00, not $8.75.)  Mail the results to my e-mail address: To do this successfully, you will have to click on  "Submit My Answers For Grading." After doing so, at the bottom of the page you must type in your name and e-mail address, and my name and e-mail address and click on  Send Results." If you cannot mail these to me, then you can submit your answers on a piece of paper attached to the rest of your homework.

b) Read the article attached to the link in the section for Chapter 5 entitled CSPI Tells Gingrich to Sober Up On Beer Tax Cut: Proposal Would Increase Teen Drinking-Driving Deaths.

Write a brief paragraph describing how the article deals with the following economic concepts: The Reality Principle, The Spillover Principle, and Elasticity. Hint: You may want to draw a graph.